Turtle-Killing Mark Osterholt, Part 2

Another article pertaining to the turtle killing antics of Mark Osterholt was found in the LA Times:

Mark Rommel Osterholt, a 28-year-old seafood company operator in Westminster, was sentenced to two months in jail for cruelty to animals and possession of a prohibited species. Police discovered 1,112 turtles in burlap bags in a van parked outside his home, with over half of them dead or dying. An additional thousand turtles were found at a warehouse in Westminster. Mark Osterholt‘s possession of snapping turtles violated California law due to their aggressive nature and potential harm to native species. The van contained various other turtle species native to the southeastern United States. The turtles suffered from dehydration, crushed shells, open wounds, and maggot infestations. Mark Osterholt imported the turtles from Arkansas and sold them to restaurants and seafood outlets in California, valuing them at $8,000. A hearing is scheduled to determine if he must reimburse $27,000 for veterinary care provided to the surviving turtles.

Are you friends with this sociopath? If so, you should really ask yourself why.
